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Our number

Structure of Our number.

  • **A - ** Branch (Fixed, provided by Delfinance)
  • **B - ** Wallet (Fixed, provided by Delfinance)
  • **C - ** Track number
  • **D - ** Verifying Digit (Calculated)

Calculating the verifying digit

Multiply each digit that makes up the number by its respective multiplier, initiating from the left to the right by the sequence of 2 and 1, as following: 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1...

After multiplying the digit, if the result is greater than 10, sum 1 and decrease by 10, for example: 6*2 = 12, 12+1-10 = 3. In the image below, the numbers with a red circle represent cases whose multiplication obtained a result greater than 10 and the rule was applied.

Finally, just add the digits resulting from the multiplication, take the remainder/module 10 from the sum result and subtract 10.

10 - Mod(soma, 10) ou 10 - (soma % 10)

In the example mentioned, it will be:

Sum: 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 7 + 6 + 0 + 7 + 8 = 39

Remainder/module: Mod(39, 10) ou 39 % 10 = 9

Verifying Digit: 10 - 9 = 1

Thus, we have that the verifying digit for the number 00011210016086074 is 1,resulting in our number 000112100160860741 or 00011210016086074-1.

Validating the verifying digit:

To validate the verifying digit, you can download a Delfinance program by clicking here.

  • Open the program and fill the fields
  • 'Agência': Branch number (fixed value: 0001)
  • 'Carteira': Wallet number (fixed value: 121)
  • 'Lista de nosso número': Track number (item C of the first topic) along with the verifying digit to be validated.
  • After filling in the fields, simply click on the "Validar". The box "Resultado" will indicate whether the check digit for the number
